The Vaccine War Day 7 (Wednesday) Morning Shows Occupancy Report

The Vaccine War saw a slightly improved opening in Wednesday's morning shows. However, this slight improvement doesn't make a significant impact as the film's collections have reached an all-time low. The movie is facing considerable challenges in reaching the 10 crore net mark in India, highlighting its dismal performance. As for the morning shows on Day 7, the film started with an occupancy of 5-6%.

Morning Shows Occupancy Report - 

Day 1 (Thursday) - 7-8%

Day 2 (Friday) - 5%

Day 3 (Saturday) - 8-9%

Day 4 (Sunday) - 17-18%

Day 5 (Monday) - 15-20%

Day 6 (Tuesday) - 4-5%

Day 7 (Wednesday) - 5-6%


  1. Very happy to see this director failing disastrously 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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