Gadar 2 and OMG 2 Wednesday (Day 6) Box Office Update - Half-Day Report

Both Gadar 2 and OMG 2 are poised for a robust Wednesday at the box office. Gadar 2 continues its unstoppable run, dominating the box office with unprecedented momentum. Meanwhile, OMG 2 is putting up a fierce fight against the storm created by Gadar, managing to maintain its position and is on track for a strong performance.

Gadar 2 maintains a consistent level of occupancy for the morning and noon shows, almost mirroring Monday's figures. However, due to reduced ticket prices today, the overall business is expected to be lower. The film's noon shows are particularly remarkable, boasting an astonishing 65-70% occupancy – a truly remarkable achievement.

On the other hand, OMG 2 had a decent start but demonstrated impressive growth with each passing show. The film's noon shows indicate nearly double the occupancy compared to the morning shows, signifying a promising trend for the rest of the day's screenings.

Gadar 2 Day 6 Occupancy Report - Morning - 40-45%, Noon - 65-70%

OMG 2 Day 6 Occupancy Report - Morning - 18-20%, Noon - 35-40%

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