Tadap Tuesday (5th Day) Collection Update for Morning Shows

Tadap is going steady now as film into the weekdays. The film starts a little slowly in the morning and shows growth in the latter half of the day. The story should be the same for Tuesday (Day 5) also.

Tadap opened to 8% occupancy in the morning shows of the 5th day. For the same, Monday occupancy was 9%. Expect the film to grow further as the day progresses. 

Tadap is showing decent trending so far. Youth are coming in numbers to watch it whereas family audiences are skipping it. Considering film face value and post-pandemic factor Tadap is doing decent to ok job at the box office.

Occupancy Report for Morning Shows (Samples only) - 

Tuesday - 8%

Monday - 9%

Sunday - 20%

Saturday - 14%

Friday - 15%

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