Pathaan Monday Mid-Day Report - Extraordinary Hold so far

Pathaan is showing extraordinary hold so far on Monday (6th day) as morning and noon show reports are coming in. The film is competing with Friday as far as occupancy is concerned. In fact, the drop in occupancy on Monday from Friday is just around 5-10%. This is unbelievable stuff again.

Pathan is registering a little bit bigger drop in multiplexes, especially in metros and big cities. But in B and C centers film is rock solid. In fact, in single screens in interiors film is simply unstoppable and performing on par with Friday or even better.

Although the occupancy drop is 5-10%, business drop will be more because of lower ticket prices today. At this time, Pathaan Day 6 collections are trending toward the 20 cr plus mark. 

Friday film saw a big growth in evening and night shows and if today also sees such a trend then collections may push towards 25 cr NBOC or even more. It means if the film shows the usual trend of previous days then will touch 300 cr NBOC by the end of the day. And when it happens it will be the first Shah Rukh Khan film that will touch 300 cr NBOC in India. 

Pathaan Occupancy Comparison Monday (Day 6) vs Friday (Day 3) -

Morning Shows -

Day 3 (Friday) - 22-23%

Day 6 (Monday) - 20-25%

Noon Shows - 

Day 3 (Friday) - 30-35%

Day 6 (Monday) - 28-30%

Evening-Night Shows - 

Day 3 (Friday) - 60-65%

Day 6 (Monday) - Shows to be started

Box Office Collection (in NBOC) - 

Day 3 (Friday) - 39.25 cr

Day 6 (Monday) - 20-25 cr Expected


  1. M 25
    T 22
    W 18.5
    T 16.5 (82 Mon-Thu; 362.75 NBOC)
    F 16
    S 24
    S 30 (70 Fri-Sun; 432.75 NBOC)

    That would leave PATHAAN just under 70 short of 500 NBOC.

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